Getting Started
This post will help get your development environment set up such that you can develop, test, write blog/project content, or deploy the OSC website.
The project is built using the GatsbyJS framework, which is a static site builder based on ReactJS. You do not need to be familiar with either of these technologies to produce blog/project content, but getting a live environment set up where you can see your changes immediately reflected on the browser is extremely helpful. If you're interested in learning web-dev fundamentals, we recommend reading our HTML, JavaScript, and CSS guides.
Downloading the project
The project is hosted on GitHub, you can find the download page by clicking here. Once you've loaded the GitHub page, you may download the codebase by clicking on the green code
button and selecting Download zip
. Alternatively, if you have Git installed, you can clone the repository via your console/terminal:
git clone
cd Club_Website_2
Installing NodeJS
We recommend the NodeJS v18 LTS release for best results.
You will need to install NodeJS to run the project. NodeJS is a JavaScript execution environment that allows you to run server-side JavaScript code. It is used to test, build, and deploy the project.
Installing Dependencies
Assuming you've installed NodeJS, you can install the project's dependencies with the following command:
npm install --force
If you're unsure how to run commands on a console or terminal, we suggest reading our Bash guide.
Running the site
At this point, you're ready to start a development server that hosts the website on your local machine. To get started, run the following command:
npm run develop
The website may be accessed at the following URL: http://localhost:8000