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Static Pages

You can create static pages that are not part of a documentation sub-site by creating JavaScript or Markdown files in the project's src/pages directory. By default, you'll be able to navigate to said pages by visiting the /<FILE_NAME> path of the website.

To add the site to the website's topmost navigation bar, navigate to the themeConfig property in docusaurus.config.js and add the following:

navbar: {
title: 'OSC Docs',
logo: {
alt: 'OSC Logo',
src: 'img/logo.png'
items: [
// ....
to: 'docs/club', // Your subsite routeBasePath
label: 'Club Archive', // Label to appear on the navmenu.
position: 'left'
// ...

The OSC Docs homepage is an example of a non-documentation static page. You may find its source code (in Markdown) in the project's src/pages/ path.